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企业网站首页: http://www.fsbeiluote.com/
发布时间:2019/4/17 11:50:14 人气:


  佛山市星际铝业有限公司位于佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑红沙高新技术开发区惠国路。是一家专业系统门窗的大型制造企业,不仅拥有成熟的材料系统,有强大的技术支持,还兼备了完善的售后服务,是真正具备一站式服务的系统门窗。公司秉承“ 专注精工,客户第一 ”的企业宗旨和“专注创新,团结奉献”的企业精神。以“简约国际范系统门窗的引领者”为发展目标,携手一支强有力、富有国际视野以及创新精神的团队,配合完善的生产配套设施,顶级的设计理念,将系统门窗做到唯美精致。一扇门窗,一个世界。贝洛特门窗传承德国式精湛工艺,以极简设计诠释尊贵典雅的国际新风尚。产品风格造型摒弃纷繁,追求简洁明朗,去粗取精,一丝不苟。每一个产品都精雕细琢,臻至完美,竭诚为千万家的门窗装饰提供一流的产品和一流的服务。面向世界,放眼未来。贝洛特门窗着力追求产品的细节的完美,致力打造系统门窗行业中的简约国际范的引领者。为每一个客户带去简约主义的生活方式,静享人生。

  Foshan Xingjilvye System Door & Window Co., Ltd. is located in Huiguo Road, Guanyao Hongsha High-tech Development Zone, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City. It is a large-scale manufacturing enterprise with professional system doors and windows. It not only has mature material system, strong technical support, but also has perfect after-sales service. It is a system door and window with one-stop service. The company adheres to the corporate tenet of “focus on precision, customer first” and the enterprise spirit of “focusing on innovation, uniting and dedication”. With the development goal of “the leader of the door and window of the simple international system”, we will work together with a team with strong international vision and innovative spirit, perfect production facilities and top design concepts to make the system doors and windows beautiful and exquisite. A door and window, a world. Belotel's doors and windows inherit the German-style craftsmanship, and the minimalist design interprets the noble and elegant international new style. The style of the product is abandoning and versatile, pursuing simplicity and clarity, and going to the rough and refined, meticulous. Each product is meticulously crafted and perfected, providing first-class products and first-class services for thousands of doors and windows. Facing the world, looking to the future. Belott's doors and windows focus on the perfection of the details of the products, and strive to create a simple international model in the system of doors and windows. Bring a minimalist lifestyle to every client and enjoy life.
